Overcome Chronic Illness & Injuries with
FuNctioNal MediciNe
Conventional medicine is struggling to get patients well and feeling better that are suffering from chronic illness. Functional Medicine can change that.
Go Beyond the Diagnosis. Establish routines to help you find what true health looks like for you.
Find the root cause and effectively treat what started all the symptoms in the first place.
what is
A holistic and collaborative approach to overcoming symptoms and treating the root cause of chronic illness. We work together and take the time to go over labs with you so that you understand the results (ones you currently have and new functional labs if needed), and dive deeper into your whole health history so that we can identify patterns. This helps us look at all of your body’s systems so that we aren’t just looking at one organ system in isolation. Your body works in harmony and when that harmony is off – we need to look at how everything interacts with each other.
we specialize
in treating
preconception consultations for promoting healthy pregnancies
Autoimmune Disease
Hypothyroidism / Hyperthyroidism / Thyroid Imbalance
hormone imbalances
Hot Flashes
Adrenal Dysfunction
GI Complaints (SIBO, SIFO, Leaky Gut, Food Sensitivities)
Liver Disease
Migraines and Chronic Headaches
Optimize Sports Nutrition and Athlete Performance
I know… You’ve tried
Conventional medicine struggles to treat chronic illness because their model works better for treating acute illnesses where taking prescription medications helps you overcome something quickly (think antibiotics for colds/the flu, infection etc.). However, when it comes to chronic illness, managing symptoms with prescription medications falls short. It leaves you without answers and can create more symptoms than you began with.
Functional Medicine is a system, a way of thinking, about chronic illness and the health of the human body in a holistic way. Looking at nutrition, exercise, stress, relationships and the many different systems in the body, we can look deeper into what caused the illness in the first place. It’s a collaborative approach – we work together over time to help you implement and be successful at establishing new routines for better health.